Monday, May 29, 2006

And she'll have fun, fun, fun till her Daddy takes the T-Bird away...

Even though the rest of the world is through with school, good ole Irving is still going. We have 3 more days with kids and then a work day on Friday. Wednesday and Thursday are half-days with the kids, so Tuesday we are having our end-of-the-year party. Last year my room-mom had a Luau theme. This year I don't have a room-mom so I decided to do a Luau again. I bought them all leis and a friend downloaded some Hawaiian music for me. They'll do the limbo and some hula dancing and no telling what else. :) It should be fun! I will miss a few of my kids, but I have some b-a-d boys this year that I am looking forward to promoting on to 3rd grade!

Next week I'm off on Monday, then have trainings the rest of the week. Then for the next 2 weeks I was asked to help write curriculum at the Ad Building. That should be loads of fun. But it was a shorter time period than summer school so I decided to go for it. A group from my church choir is going to New York again this fall to the Music Conference at the Brooklyn Tab, so I wanted to make a little extra money for that.

Then my summer officially begins. I know, I know, those of you that aren't teachers couldn't care less about my summer break. But you probably make more money than me since you work all year so we'll call it even. :) One weekend, my mom and aunt and cousins are coming in for a girls weekend of shopping and such. At the top of my list is meeting little Sawyer B., because I'm a horrible friend and haven't done that yet. Also, I'm hoping to make a trip to Houston sometime this summer. Kristi keeps telling me how sweet little Andrew is and about all of his tricks he can do, so I'm dying to see him again! Who wants to go with me or meet there? I think I've already roped in Jill. I'll be making a couple of trips to Ruston throughout the summer so I hope to meet Stahley Sears and see the Nidas when I go through Shreveport. Mrs. Kathy, I'll call you when I come into town! Once the Strains are all moved in to Monroe, I'll definitely be making a stop there to see them and Stacy. And before the summer ends, it will all be worthwhile if I find myself an Aggie when I go visit Carrie and Jason in College Station. :)

Sounds like I better take out a loan to pay for all that gas! I hope all of you are having a good Memorial Day weekend! I hope to see you this summer!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mandy--I want to go she Shan when you do...if I can. Let me know the weekend. I will be in Ruston the end of June for the 4th of July thing at Temple. The fireworks are on Monday night, I THINK! Anyway, we got 2 choc lab puppies, so don't even ask when we will be having babies. As of now, NEVER! Whew!!! Hope to see you SOON! I miss my "Miss Mandy!"

Anonymous said...

Your butt better stay in Dallas for a little while at least so I get to see you FINALLY!

Michael, Meg & Naomi said...

Hey- Michael and I will be in Ruston for the Peach Festival. let me know if you are there then. We need to get together soon! Maybe dinner sometime? Meg

Jessica said...

dude, i quit checking your blog--sad, but true. maybe this summer your butt can update for us.

oh, and i have an assignment for you. there are two places on your blog with my family's last name. i need you to take it off, please! i have some stalker students who find my blog through yours. one is on this post, and another is a post about us going to houston and riding in the car together. thanks much!

i'm going to houston some time this summer to meet elliott mcneal. it will probably be in july on the weekend, though. i start teaching summer school june 28 (second session). if you want to go sometime in july, we could go together. let me know...

Mandy said...

I don't think I want to ride with you if you don't check my blog anymore. :) I took your last name off those 2 posts. Makes me glad I work with 2nd graders...they wouldn't even know how to stalk me. :)

Michelle said...

i still check your blog. i'm always interested in hearing the good stories teachers can tell. :)

sally said...

Mandy! It's Sally Foreman Harrison! I can't believe after years of working with those wild Temple kids, you're actually teaching school full-time! My church keeps asking me to get involved with the children's ministry, and I just keep on telling them no. When I was 20 it was fun, but now I just get frustrated.

It's so great to have found you! (Why are all of my sentences exclamations?) I'm in Vicksburg, MS, but soon-to-be Madison, MS. Jay just got a job there, so we may be moving. We've got boy/girl twins who are 2 1/2 and are so much fun we can hardly stand it. You can check them out at

Now that I know how to find you, I'll stay in touch. Glad to know you're doing well. Take care!

Megan said...

Just wanted to let you know that Grandma Strain died on Monday. Todd won't be able to make it to the funeral, but I'm headed up to Ruston in the morning for the funeral. Sad times!

Anonymous said...

Awww...Grandma Strain that lived by us??? Aww...

Mandy said...

My mom told me that she saw that about Mrs. Strain in the Ruston Daily Leader. How sad. Be careful traveling, Megan!

Mandy said...

Hi Sally,
I saw your blog on Mrs. Kathy's blog and went and read all about sweet little Hank and Hayden. I couldn't believe how small they were when they were wearing Jay's ring! I'm so glad they are so healthy and big now! Sandra showed me their picture back at Christmas too. It was fun reading about your life. Sounds like you stay pretty busy! It's good to know that I can keep up with what's going on with you now. Thanks for leaving a comment! :) Good luck moving!

meredith said...

I am sorry that you are still in school. My first day back was Tuesday which was a teacher work day and our last day of school. We will have to get together when you have some free time. We don't think you are a bad friend, because we are all teachers and we know how the end of the year can be. ~Merth

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Sorry--didn't type my name. Copy this link and you will see the write up in the Leader about grandma Strain. Mandy--YOU ARE FINISHED WITH YOUR KIDS FOR THIS YEAR!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!

Mandy said...

But now, Carrie, the clean up begins and it is NOT pretty...or fun! But at least there are no kids around. :)

Merth, I promise I'm calling you soon to come see that cute little Sawyer! Tell Justin to tell his friend that knows my cute youth minister to come over too so we can talk about his roommate. :)

Anonymous said...

Mandy-I know...but it's all worth it when you know you have a few weeks of NO kids!! Whew! They HAVE to give teachers a break like this or NO ONE would teach! HA! Did you get my email about the librarian thing??? I'm going to call you to chat about it....

Jessica said...

Have a great summer! I am jealous of all your free time! Good to see you poting again, I was getting worried! ;-) Jessica H

Jessica said...


Mandy said...

Hi Jessica,
I hope you have a good summer too! I'm enjoying watching your kids growing up on your blog! :)

Anonymous said...

So I read Mandy's other post before seeing all the stuff on this one. I'm down for another trip to H-town and hopefully we can get Carrie Claire's butt to come this time too!