So I figured it was about time to finally start my own blog! It seems like all the cool people are doing it. (Now that I've learned what it means to be cool from reading Todd's blog.) :) It's been so much fun reading about everybody's life lately. I totally agree with Justin Bufkin...the more pictures, the better! But since I have no children or pets, I'm not quite sure what pictures I'll post. I'll start with a picture of Dave Dellucci. He's #22 for the Rangers. I became a HUGE Rangers fan this year and so that's where my blog name came from. But anyway, I just wanted to be able to post comments on everyone's blogs and be a part of this whole blogging world so here I am. Now, my postings will never be as deep as some of yours, but that shouldn't surprise you. So let the blogging begin... :)
The title of my blog "Life's Too Short to Dance with Ugly Men" came from a sign that Carrie gave me a while back. It's sitting here on my computer desk and no other ideas were coming to mind so that's where that came from.