This Thursday night we have Open House at school. I thought it was as good of a time as any to put up a new bulletin board. With the reading program I do, I don't really have any student work to display, so I just think of a reading theme. My friend down the hall suggested "fishin' for books" and from there, this is what I came up with. I found this really cool background paper at the teacher supply store that looks like you're underwater. Last week when I put it up, kids (and teachers) were touching it. It was pretty funny. Once I added the tissue paper seaweed, I realized that it's going to tear pretty easily. There are 6 classes that pass by it every afternoon with their backpacks on, on their way outside to leave. So I'm not sure just how long it will all last. My favorite part is the bookworm on the hook. You can't really see it in these pics though.
the books are the treasures :)
I went home last month and helped my parents give my nieces a little Valentines party. You think I could get any more pink or red in this kitchen? :) I had fun decorating it for them. I miss throwing parties at school now that I don't have my own class of kids.
By the end of the night, it was cold out there, but I was making them pose with the Valentines window clings on the door.
awwwww- such a cute bulletin board! i kinda miss putting those up.... wait.. what am i saying?!?!?! :)
cute pics of your nieces!
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