This summer has been a busy one! A couple of weeks before school was out I finished my coursework for Lamar. Yay! Graduation is on August 13, but since it’s in Beaumont, I won’t be attending. So I guess it’s not technically official until then. To complete my administrator’s certificate for Texas, I need to attend a 5 day training called ILD – Instructional Leadership Development. My first week out of school I was signed up and ready to go. Unfortunately it was all the way at Region 10 in Richardson. I went on the first day and it was ok. The presenter told us that if you miss a day for any reason, you can’t come back, you have to go to another session later in the summer. For instance, if you miss day 3, you’d have to join in another group on day 3 later. So what happens to me on day 2? My car won’t start! Dead battery! After freaking out and calling my friend Sarah to come take me, I decided that once she took me, I wasn’t going to have a way home and my car still wasn’t going to be fixed for day 3. So I have to go later on this month. Yuck! I can’t take the administrator’s certification test until I finish this course so I’m nervous that I’m going to have forgotten everything I learned in grad school when I take the test. But I guess we’ll worry about that later. Luckily I got my car worked on that day because it took them about 7 hours to fit me in and work on it.
I’ve tried to get into couponing lately. Not quite extreme couponing, like the tv show, but just seeing what it’s all about. Well, let me tell you, it’s time consuming! And I just don’t buy groceries that often. But I did make a trip to Target and managed to save $14. I thought that was impressive! The bad thing about coupons for me is that they make me want to try new products and before I know it, I’m buying things I normally wouldn’t have…and that does not save you money.
my loot
I went to Ruston for about 5 days to visit my family. I enjoyed spending time with them and getting to have dinner with a few high school friends - Tina, Elizabeth, and Cynthia. One day my dad, my niece Reanne, and I went out to the Peach Store and bought some peach ice cream. Yummy! There weren’t any peaches ready that week.
quite the entertainter!
Reanne and GaGa making pizza 

We were having fun with the camera timer
I wanted to stay for the Peach Festival, but I already had plans to float the river with some friends in New Braunfels. We had such a great time there! We took about 12 people and stayed in a really nice house outside of Gruene. I made some new friends, some that even live about 2 miles from me. It’s a small world! We ate at the Gristmill, one of our favorites. Larry Joe Taylor was playing at Gruene Hall that night but it was just too hot to stick around.

July 4th was fun. Koby had several of us over to his house for dinner. Greg made brisket, Gina made potatoes, Audra made banana pudding, and I made Wendi’s baked potato dip. It was a crowd favorite and it’s so easy too! We went out to the alley behind his house and watched the Castle Hills fireworks show on the wall. The next day I started housesitting, which is what the next post is all about.
hanging out on the wall
Gina, me, and Audra - about to sing some patriotic songs
My summer is flying by and I don’t like it. I’m having a blast but I want it to s.l.o.w…d.o.w.n!